Birmingham & District Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers welcomes anyone with an interest in our crafts to join our monthly meetings, which take place on the second Saturday of the month in Cotteridge (Friends Meeting House, B30 1JB).
We have a varied programme of talks, workshops, and skill sharing, plus an annual open day and exhibition. Visit our blog for details of past meetings.
We have a varied programme of talks, workshops, and skill sharing, plus an annual open day and exhibition. Visit our blog for details of past meetings.
History of the GuildThe Guild was founded as Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers on 24th November 1949 at Friends' Meeting House, Bull Street Birmingham.
The Guild was founded with 40 members, growing to 167 in a year. Meetings took place fortnightly on a Saturday afternoon. Tea was 1/- and visitors were charged one shilling. The first meeting was mentioned in the Birmingham Mail with the title 'Business Men Join Weavers' Guild'. The first talk was by John Tovey "An introduction to the craft of hand-weaving". There was insufficient tea available at the first meeting leading to a subsequent newsletter apology. A first public exhibition of members' work was held at Barrow's Stores, Corporation Street in January 1950, and was visited by 2,500-3,000 people. The early guild focused on weaving, holding regular beginner sessions with the first in 1950 at St Jude's School, Hill Street, Birmingham. Early committee members were all men, with the exception of the newsletter 'editress'. By 1952 the committee were predominantly female, with the first female chair a Miss M. E. Hancock. In 1952 the official Guild colours were cherry red and grey. The annual membership fee was 7/6. |
The Guild supported the inception of the Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, attending a meeting to discuss its formation in 1952 and contributing £10 of guild funds, plus £6 in private donations.
By 1952-3, separate Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire guilds had been formed, leaving Birmingham & District Guild with a healthy 118 members.
By 1952-3, separate Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire guilds had been formed, leaving Birmingham & District Guild with a healthy 118 members.
A Year in Colour Exhibition
During 2015, the Guild ran a year-long natural dyeing project with Winterbourne House, a local museum. Each month during 2015, the gardeners at Winterbourne provided plant material (flower heads, bark, leaves, etc.) which guild members tested for their natural dye properties.
Alongside skeins showcasing the colours achieved from each plant material, the exhibition contained a selection of projects created by Guild members. These projects showcased weaving, spinning, dyeing, knitting and felting – and the wool and silk used in the projects was largely dyed with plants from Winterbourne garden.
More information about the exhibition is available here, or about the project on the dedicated project blog.
Alongside skeins showcasing the colours achieved from each plant material, the exhibition contained a selection of projects created by Guild members. These projects showcased weaving, spinning, dyeing, knitting and felting – and the wool and silk used in the projects was largely dyed with plants from Winterbourne garden.
More information about the exhibition is available here, or about the project on the dedicated project blog.
Association events
Birmingham and District Guild participated in organising the 2015 biennial summer school of the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinner and Dyers, held that year at Moreton Morrell College in Warwickshire.
The Guild was one of the midlands guilds responsible for organising the 2022 Association 'Guilds Gathering' event, held in Worcester, which included talks from Dr Susan Kay-Williams, Margo Selby, and Alison Daykin.
The Guild has previously jointly organised events with local guilds, with the most recent a 2016 'Guilds Together' held in Kings Sutton, Banbury.
The Guild was one of the midlands guilds responsible for organising the 2022 Association 'Guilds Gathering' event, held in Worcester, which included talks from Dr Susan Kay-Williams, Margo Selby, and Alison Daykin.
The Guild has previously jointly organised events with local guilds, with the most recent a 2016 'Guilds Together' held in Kings Sutton, Banbury.
Back-to-Back challenge days
The Guild has previously undertaken a number of 'back-to-back' challenges, starting with a fleece and aiming to end the day with a finished garment. Participation at these events has been open to all interested members of the Guild and visitors, with everyone contributing depending on their skills/preference, including carding, spinning, plying, and lots of knitting.
70th anniversary
The Guild celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2019, with a 1949-themed tea party for current and former guild members.