A new year and a new holiday talk from Rachel - of course! I joined the guild 9 years ago and this is an annual treat I wouldn't want to miss. This year she went to Sweden via Norway. She flew to Norway straight after the Guilds Gathering in Worcester in the summer. She went with Helen and they arrived in Trondheim to visit Kirsty, a friend met on a previous summer school. Their last visit had been cut short because of the pandemic. They spent a week there with Kirsty in her house with beautiful views. They visited a mill (Rachel loves mills!) and a folk museum during the week and also sat and knitted while looking out at the view. KIrsty then drove them on to Gothenburg in Sweden for their summer school week. It was a long journey and they stayed at a sheep farm en route. With 100 sheep all with bells Rachel was surprised that she slept really well that night in a very basic hutte (no plumbing or electricity). They were staying on an island near Gothenburg, pronounced Chorn, and Rachel and Helen took part in about 5 workshops. They had a little difficulty with the language as the whole week was in Swedish, which neither of them speak. Usually the summer schools have English speakers too. However they didn't let it stop them taking part in everything although Rachel thinks there were some finer points that they may have missed. Workshops include one about knitted pockets that didn't show, one to make angora wristwarmers, one that was about knitting tramlines, a woven knitting one and a Viking inspired pattern of cables around corners. These all make more sense when you see the photos. She doesnt like the wristwarmers as the kit she was given was not her favourite colours. Some of the tutors were well known and Rachel was really excited about working with them. She also learnt nalbinding during an informal afternoon and she loved it although admits to still not being able to cast on. I thoroughly understand that as I learnt it too in an online guild workshop during the pandemic and that was definitely the hardest part. I made a bag, pencil case and mittens which are great but I still can't cast on properly AGM Here is a short summary of main points from the AGM. We elected 3 new members onto the committee as 3 members are standing down. Kate and Cyndi are rejoining and welcome to Gill. Thank you Carolyn, Judy and Cyndi as treasurer. We agreed on a safeguarding policy, researched and led by Janice, who had worked very hard on the policy - thank you Janice. We listened to the yearly reports and agreed on a few changes. Most important of all we voted on our yearly competition topic. Gradients, jewellery and water were rejected and our new competition title is HAND COVERINGS. This was suggested by Rachel and we now need to make something for our Open Day in May. Of course it must include at least one of our disciplines of weaving, spinning and dyeing. Any mistakes in this blog are mine, so I apologise in advance, Wendy
AuthorWendy Simpson , guild member since 2014. Started as a spinner, then got hooked on natural dyes and now I'm learning to weave. Categories |