We had our annual Christmas Party yesterday and although a few people were sadly unable to join us because of ill health, there were 18 of us to sit down for our Bring and Share lunch. I am always surprised that we have a lovely and varied selection of food even though we don't plan 'who is bringing what'! This was followed by an after lunch talk by Teresinha, one of our guild members. She talked about her life story, from when she was born and grew up in Brazil and how she came to meet her husband and came to live in England. It was interesting to hear that she was the first person to leave her village by aeroplane and that she was worried about going to Heathrow when she expected to land in London - but eventually she was able to find out that Heathrow was the airport. She told us how she learned to knit in Africa when she went there with her husband for his work. She was taught by local women when she needed an activity to save her from boredom. It took ages to learn as she had to walk several kilometres from their isolated village to see them and then go back frequently when she was stuck! She included plenty of humour and anecdotes and everyone was thoroughly entertained - thank you Teresinha. Rachel brought wool and patterns and ideas for making Christmas decorations and we spent an enjoyable afternoon making gnomes - I think most people made these - although there were lots of other ideas and some members took away patterns to work on at home. Thank you Rachel
And finally here is Gemma's gnome! Wishing all our members and readers a Happy Christmas and see you in 2024
AuthorWendy Simpson , guild member since 2014. Started as a spinner, then got hooked on natural dyes and now I'm learning to weave. Categories |